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Guest Registry Form ~.~
I APOLOGIZE FOLKS, but I've had to close the guest registry for the time being. (June 08) ~.~ SPAMMERS: This Guestbook script now tracks IP addresses. (See below) |
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20 May 2007 --- Placed the guestbook on another server - dismantled Signature Validation until further notice.
(JunkEater got eaten by spam junk!)
9 April 2006 --- Added two more layers of spam protection - Robot Noindexing & Signature Validation Entry.
This Guestbook is now "Protected by junkeater.com"
27 March 2006 --- I apologize for the up and downs of the guest registry of late. SPAMMERS you have been warned.
Unfortunately, a few lamers think this is a wonderful site to advertise pharmaceuticals, insurance scams,
online gambling, ringtones, used cars, etc. etc. etc.
The guestbook script now tracks IP addresses.
For my Parrish visitors, rest assured I am not collecting this information
--- except in the event of a spammer flame.
Thank you for your patience.
23 February 2005 --- A very special Thank You to my new dedicated server host CCISP
for not only their great service but also working out some nagging bugs in the script!
28 October 2002 --- After more than five years of hosting our original Guest Registry,
Internet Tool Zone went down, taking well over a thousand entries with them.
I need to acknowledge the following folks for helping me establish
our own dedicated guestbook.
Thank You To Bruce & Christine @ BigNoseBird.Com For This Guest Book Script.
A Special Thank You To Vera "Webdog" @ BreakFree.Net For Script Modifications.
Thank You To Shane & Matt @ HyperSite.Net For Direction And Support.
Thank You To Diane "Dinamite" @ Greater Delmar Chamber of Commerce
For Moral Support (and not having me committed!).
Last, but certainly not least --- a big Thank You to Cliff Shockley @ Brainwave Computer Services
who not only builds all my computers --- but whose suggestion it was
that got me started into Web Development. You can blame him! *laff*
John ~.~
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